Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadhan has arrived :)


today is the first day of fasting...

i'm quiet tired, but i put that tiredness away...

well, for this Ramadhan i decide to improve myself physically and mentally...

this is a good month to avoid any CIGGIES (and etc) for everybody...

and i need to stop stalking people in Facebook especially...:P

not just in Facebook but sometime in other people's BLOG...

sometime when we read their comments, status, or their stories...

we tend to translate that stories in a negative way...

like, "What are they chatting? Are they flirting?"...

and recently, i've read this BLOG...

and my heart was beating so fast...

then, i started to think...

"Why that person send Ramadhan wish to that person FIRST but not to me?
i'm NOT that important, i guess.."

from now on, i have to stop those negative thoughts...

it's not good to BRAG or talk something bad about others...

it's a month full of blessing...

i have to welcome it, appreciate it, and practice myself to be good...

he sent me Ramadhan wish...

and he said something like "even though he knows i couldn't be fasting for the whole month" ...:P

of course, i can''s a girl thing....*wink*

and my friend, aminin sent me Ramadhan which sound more or less like him...

guys are jealous, i think...because they don't have any excuses to skip fasting...(just kidding :P)

for the guys out there, don't skip fasting yar...

happy Ramadhan everyone!


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