so have you guys watched this video?
actually there are other videos that she made...
and i must say, i'm impressed with her opinions...
she's so
selamba (of course) but most important thing is what she said are true...
just some people who can't handle the truth and have high ego, they don't really like what she said..
and those small minded people always blame on women...
we're talking about safety here...
we humans should protect each other...
and find ways to curb the criminals around us...
i used to read "Telling it straight" by Marina Mahathir...
and it is stated that men select women as targets because they think they are helpless..
and i agree charity begins at home...
we must teach our kids to respect people...
control your desire and avoid doing something bad...
don't simply blame others using the excuses that they provoke you...
what do they do that provoke you so much to rape her for example?
is she doing a pole dance at the bus stop while waiting for a ride?
is she really wearing bikini to work?
i know the aurat is not prefect yet, but slowly we'll change for better...
and most important thing is what we are wearing is modest and suitable with the events...
so it's like the next time i see people with silly faces, i can just punch them and say "your stupid face provokes me". heh
from the so called advices at the youtube comments, i'm not really impressed with people who take safety from granted...
and btw, if you wanna advice women, talk nicely...
don't curse and scold them like you already knew them for 10 years...
kenal dulu orang tu, baru la slow talk... tu pun ade caranye, sebab women are sensitive...
kata dibuat oleh tulung rusuk lelaki, so bayangkan makin kamu cuba bengkokkan tulang itu maka patahlah ia...
seriously, women will become so liat to change for better if you don't know how to advice...
and most important thing is, stick to the topic please...
these youtube comments really are out of topic...
tengok substance die bercakap...
and let's discuss on how to deal with it...
tak payah komen la die punye appearance...
our parents kan dah ajar don't judge the book by its cover...